
Your New US LLC
in 24 hours

Fill out a 2-min form.
In 24-48h you'll be incorporated.
scroll and see how YOU can incorporate today

What you can do with a US LLC

Setup Your LLC Today
Complete the form in <2 minutes
Get your incorporation certificate in 48 hours
All the paperwork done for you.
Get Your EIN
Within 2 to 3 weeks you'll receive your Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Start operating as a business
Open bank accounts in the US
Get access to payment processors such as Stripe or Paypal
Start Opening Bank Accounts
Access to online banks such as Wise or Mercury from your home
Start receiving worldwide money into your accounts.
Optional: Get your ITIN and open US corporate accounts for your corporation (in-person).
Get Access to American credit, Rewards & Funding
With an ITIN number:
Get access to the best Credit Cards in the world
Start building credit score
Get access to incredible funding opportunities for your business

What Makes Us Unique

24-hour Incorporation
We use automated workflows that instantly
submit your application.
No middle men delays.
The fastest EIN
While some EINs take 3 months, you'll have yours in 2-3 weeks. We have some aces up our sleeve ;)

Give yourself every advantage

All in one Place
Your company's folder. All you need in one place.
Client Success support via chat. You are fully covered by our experts.
Access the relevant information from your tailored dashboard: The Sovereign Lounge.
Zero worries about filing Paperwork or tax returns
0 Yearly Headaches
With a small yearly fee we do it for you (first year all included)
Protect Your assets
With an LLC you can protect your assets and wealth. Limited Liability in case something goes wrong.
Up next: Explore more complex setups such as holdings or trusts to add an extra layer of protection.
Pay 0% Taxes with the proper residency setup
The LLC is a pass-through entity.
As a non-US citizen you pay taxes where you have your residency.
Get a residency in a territorial tax country (you pay taxes only for you local income), and potentially keep the 100% of your money.
Favorite combo: Combine it with Paraguay residency and legally pay 0% taxes.
Simple, transparent pricing — so you know what you're paying for.
No more expensive calls with lawyers, hidden costs, or surprise fees.
We provide everything you need for less than the cost of 1 hour with a top-tier law firm.
One time set-up fee
Yearly Maintenance fee
What's included?
Registered Agent
Virtual Address in the Selected State
Access to Miquel Girones' Team via Telegram
Incorporation documents (24h-48h)
EIN (2-3 weeks)
Annual Filling and paperwork with the
mainenance fee (1st year included)

Complete it in 2 minutes

Choose your LLC Name
Choose your state of registration
Provide some basic information
Pay the service
Our robots will start handling all the paperwork for you, instantly.
Successfully incorporated within 24 hours
We'll handle the entire formation process and submit your forms to the federal agencies. You can track your progress online, and will receive your initial paperwork in as little as 24-48 hours.
Receive Your EIN in 2-3 weeks
Open Bank Accounts
With your EIN you can open 3 online bank accounts (free) and US local-branch accounts with a single visit in person (we also have the right contacts for that).

A Summary of What You Get

registered agent (more privacy)
virtual address in the selected state
All filing fees & expedited processing
Incorporation Documents in 24h-48h
EIN (2-3 Weeks)
access to miquel’s team (telegram)

Wyoming or Delaware?

top pick
wyoming LLC
Recommended for LLCs due to lower annual operating costs and flexibility. No corporate income tax or annual franchise tax.
Apply now
top pick
Delaware LLC
Recommended for a startup ecosystem due to strong legal protections for shareholders and strong business laws. No state income tax if you operate in other states.
apply now

What my clients say

Maverick Brenton
"Quick shoutout to Miquel and the team for sorting me out with my LLC. The process was extremely FAST, PROFESSIONAL and INSTANTANEOUS with the LLC."
Edward Hodge
"Working with you guys has been very SEAMLESS and it's been nice to not have to deal with all the admin headaches that you guys deal with when setting up companies and structures so that's what I LIKED a lot."
Antonio Leao
"I had a problem with my income because I work with Crypto and I couldn't find an answer to so I asked you and you proposed me an answer. I had no proof of income or a salary. I didn't know how I was going to have a salary and i didn't know i could create an LLC in the US to solve that need. I am VERY HAPPY with the results because now I can EASILY invoice my clients and get my payments"
Hussein Siblani
"I have clients everywhere but I couldn't invoice them before since all I had were my bank accounts in Germany. So I was basically working for free for months. And I did not have the time to figure these things out. So really happy to be able to invoice my clients now and receive my payments TIMELY."
Povilas S.
"I was spending 5-6M in ads a year through DEBIT CARDS! Until Miquel told me there’s Amex cards and now I am on my path to accumulating 20M points a year worth 1M usd in free traveling and hotels A YEAR. No brainer!"
Andrew Menechian
"The LLC is fine, the EIN was fine, the ITIN's all good, got the bank accounts REMOTELY so everything went PRETTY GOOD."
Thor M.
"The first thing I did right away as soon as I got my LLC was to get WISE, MERCURY and RELAY so these are the 3 accounts I have gotten through my US LLC."
Constantinos Velmahos
"Everything happened REALLY FAST. That is amazing. The EIN was relatively quick as well - TOOK 1 WEEK."

What my clients say

I opened an offshore bank account + Debit Card in under one hour with Miquel's contacts.
"We set up a group chat beforehand and I shared some information. With that they set up an appointment for me at the bank. I arrived at the given time, a real nice location, and had the one to one meeting with the bank rep. She was super helpful and we had the account opened and debit card in hand in less than an hour. I had the option to open a crypto friendly account or a standard checking account. Very happy with how it went.

I was also able to compare the service with another bank there, very different experience and I still haven’t got the account 2 weeks later. So all in all I can definitely recommend Miquel’s contact there."
Nicholas O
I got my Mexican passport in 5 weeks after being stuck for months.
"Mexico can be heaven or a nightmare depending on who you know.

Processes get stuck and there's not much you can do as a foreigner to speed it up.

They take their time and via the normal route, it can take months.

Miquel helped me get all the required documents I needed to expedite my Mexican passport (one was not correct as advised by another service provider).

With the right documents, he used his contacts to put my case in priority.

5 weeks later I went to Miquel's partners office in Playa del Carmen to pick my new Mexican passport.

Officially a Mexican citizenship now.

I wish I leveraged the right contacts before. After months stuck, with Miquel's team it was all a breeze."
Ryan L
mexican passport
I got my US ITIN in 3 months and 2 days after filling a 2 min form. The rest was on Miquel's team.
"I sent a passport scan, an email and a mail address.

Miquel's team submitted everything in minutes after my application.

Days later I received a document from the IRS. I signed it.

3 months and 2 days later, I have my ITIN and I can open US bank accounts, access the best credit card system in the world, and even get a US Driving License.

Doors are open.

It was smooth. I recommended it to a few friends already."
Pedro A


View Full FAQ
What is an LLC?
A Limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure that offers limited liability protection and pass-through taxation. As with corporations, the LLC legally exists as a separate entity from its owners. Therefore, owners cannot typically be held personally responsible for the business debts and liabilities.
How can I pay 0% taxes with an LLC?
The LLC allows for pass-through taxation, as its income is not taxed at the entity level; Any LLC income or loss as shown on this return is passed through to the owner(s). The owners, must report the income or loss on their personal tax returns and pay any necessary tax where they have their residency.

Example: If you are a resident in Paraguay, you'll report your LLC profit as foreign income and you won't need to pay taxes.
Why Incorporate in Wyoming?
Wyoming is a popular corporate heaven due to its lack of taxes and anonymity. Wyoming also has the added benefit of allowing you to hold your shares in a Wyoming LLC or a Wyoming Trust for additional asset protection. This combination of benefits makes our corporations the nation's most desirable.
Why Incoroporate in Delawere?
Delaware doesn't impose income tax on corporations registered in the state which don't do business in the state. Also, shareholders who don't reside in Delaware need not pay tax on shares in the state.

Investors prefer Delaware. If you're going to look for angel investors or venture capital.
What do I need to incorporate an LLC?
To incorporate an LLC you need a company name, business address, registered agent, share count, par value, registered agent and incorporator. Nothing else is required by law to create a corporation.

Set Up Your LLC in 2 minutes

Learn for free with just 2 videos

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